Do you struggle to be productive and get the work done that will enable you to reach your goals?
Maybe you tend to scroll social media when you should be working. Maybe you’re drowning because you underestimated the scope of a project. Or maybe you aren’t doing much work because you think there’s no need to rush–you have all week, month, or year long to finish.
If these situations sound familiar, you may have fallen prey to Parkinson’s Law.
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Publishing a book is easier than you may think. These days, you have a variety of options available to you on ways to get your book published.
With my experience as a published author of over 80 books, I have created this guide on how to write and publish a book so you too can have the tools you need to become a published author.
One popular self-publishing platform is Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), which offers a free and accessible way to publish your book.
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Although money may not be your primary focus in life, you need to have a certain amount of income to care for yourself and your family.
Understanding personal finance is crucial in managing income and expenses, as it helps alleviate financial stress and encourages effective tracking of spending and savings.
Housing, food, clothing, entertainment, schooling, and other expenses all add up quickly. In many cases, the income you earn from your full-time job won’t be enough to meet all of your family’s needs.
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Many leadership qualities have been observed throughout history, distinguishing the best leaders from merely effective ones. Some leadership traits were adopted by tyrannical leaders while others were exhibited by great leaders.
In both cases, the traits of those in charge correlated to their ability to accomplish their desired outcomes.
Just as importantly, those same characteristics of a good leader determined how much – or how little – their followers considered them to be effective leaders.
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We all have a great book idea burning inside of us.
In fact, most of us dream about learning how to write a book.
We imagine how writing a bestseller will change our lives. How it will advance our careers. How it will make us an authority on a topic we enjoy.
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Becoming a great leader is more about the inner qualities you possess than the title you are given. While a person may be in charge of managing people or heading a project, a genuine leader is one who can inspire others to accomplish something important.
One common misconception is the dangerous leadership myth that “leaders are born, not made.”
Being a good leader is something you learn and perfect with diligence, compassion, persistence, and experience.
True leadership is about striving to become better in all areas of life and empowering everyone around you to become the best versions of themselves.
Regardless of where you are in your journey of being a leader —- whether you have the desire to inspire or want to hone the leadership skills you already have, learning from others through inspiring leadership quotes can help you reach your goals.
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I’ve written over 90 books over my 40-year career, and I can tell you that as much as we would like them to, books don’t write themselves. Motivation is the measurement of the energy that is put into any endeavor.
When you write a book, you are bound to struggle with periods where you lack the motivation to write or experience writer’s block, a key challenge that writers face while lacking the motivation to write. Even when writing inspiration is lacking, it is crucial to stay committed and motivated.
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A good talk or public speech is like a good play, movie, or song.
It opens by arresting the listener’s attention, develops point by point, and then ends strongly, ensuring that the audience’s attention is maintained throughout.
The truth is, if you don’t know how to end a speech, the overall message won’t be persuasive and your key points may get lost.
The words you say at the beginning, and especially at the end of your talk, are usually the most persuasive parts of the speech and will be remembered longer than almost any other part of your speech. It’s crucial to leave a lasting impression with a powerful conclusion.
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