Summertime and the pace is hectic.
As adults, we keep trying to go back to those lazy days of summer.
When we were children, we looked forward to the summer because we had two full months of vacation. We played with our friends, went swimming, and hung out with no responsibilities and little to do.
As adults, we keep trying to go back to those lazy days of summer. As we approach the end of June, most people slow down and begin working at half speed. Unfortunately, they were probably working at half speed before the end of June so it is even worse for them.
This has been a busy summer for me. At the end of May, I was in the Gulf, speaking in Iran, Kuwait and Dubai. In June I was speaking in New Zealand, in Christ Church, Auckland and Wellington.
When I was not speaking overseas, I was traveling all over the United States and Canada giving talks and seminars on sales, management and personal success. At the same time, I was writing my 300-page book, “The Way to Wealth – Blueprints for Success” which contains more than eighty exercises that a business owner can use to make better business decisions, and increase sales and profitability.
In June, I wrote my new book, “Speak to Win,” which summarizes the best lessons I have learned about speaking for large and small groups in the last twenty-five years. The book will be out in January, 2008 with Amacom. It also includes powerful, practical ideas that you can use to be more influential at meetings, make better sales presentations, negotiate more effectively on your own behalf, and generally use your power of speech to get more and better results, faster and easier than you ever thought possible.
On July 31, I finished my book “Flight Plan – The Real Secret of Success.” This has the potential of being a best selling book. In twelve chapters, I explain that there are three keys to success: First, be absolutely clear about your goal or destination. Second, take the first step. Move out in faith. Be willing to face failure and temporary setbacks. But never be afraid to try in the first place.
Third, just as every airplane must make continual course corrections on the way to its destination, each person must make continual course corrections to achieve any kind of success.
The most important qualities for success, as I explain in Flight Plan, are vision, courage and persistence. When you develop these qualities to a high level, you can accomplish almost anything.
This month, I am working on my next book, “The Miracle of Self Discipline – The Key to Personal Greatness.” Each of these books has already been sold to a major publisher and will be distributed both nationwide and worldwide when they come out. The subject of self-discipline is really important to each of us. Success is tons of discipline. The more discipline and self-control you have, the more it is that you can make yourself do whatever you need to do to achieve your goals.
Persistence is self-discipline in action. The more you persist, making continual course corrections toward your goal, the greater discipline you develop, and the more successful you become. This is the real secret of success.
Brian Tracy University continues to grow in enrollments, doubling its size each month. We are developing joint ventures and strategic alliances with individuals and organizations throughout the United States, Canada and several other countries to deliver BTU courses. If you have not yet visited to check out ouradvanced learning programs on sales, sales management, leadership and personal effectiveness, you should visit today.
One of the most important things I learned, as a young man coming up with no high school education and no money, was that, “To earn more, you must learn more.” This revelation changed my life, and it can change yours as well.
The fact is that you cannot go any further ahead in your life than you are today except by learning and practicing something new. To achieve something you’ve never achieved before, you must become someone you’ve never been before. You must learn and practice skills that you’ve never had before. And there is no other way.
We are living at the most prosperous time in all of human history. More people are making more money, in more different ways, worldwide, than has even been dreamed of in the history of man on earth. Your job is to get your fair share. “The more you learn, the more you earn.” I’ll talk to you again soon.
Best regards,
Brian Tracy
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It’s A Wonderful World
About Brian Tracy — Brian is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian's goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. You can follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Linkedin and Youtube.