Making Strong Connections

In his book Frames of Mind, Dr. Howard Gardner made the revolutionary statement that individuals possess several forms of intelligence.  He concluded that we are all intelligent in a variety of different ways, and even if we didn’t receive great grades in school, we can still be extremely intelligent in other areas.  Two of these areas are intra-personal intelligence and inter-personal intelligence…. Read more

Something For Nothing: Selfishness

The Only True Test of Any Theory

In business and in the free market, the only test for the validity of an idea or course of action is, “Does it work?”  The only way that you can tell whether or not a theory or principle is true is by testing it in the real world. Does it work? Does it bring about positive results? Does it bring about better results than another other system or theory?… Read more

Something For Nothing: Ambition

Theory X versus Theory Y

In the 1960’s, Harvard Psychologist Alex Mackenzie suggested two visions of people in the workplace, each leading to different forms of motivation in organizations. McGregor called these two views of mankind, “Theory X” and “Theory Y…. Read more

Something For Nothing: Laziness

Human beings, by nature, are lazy, greedy, ambitious, selfish, impatient, vain, and ignorant. These traits are neither good nor bad by themselves; it is only the way in which we manifest these natural traits that make them positive or negative. These natural traits are the fundamental reasons for why people do what they do…. Read more

3 Laws of Business Success

There are certain laws of the universe that are working whether you know about them or not. They may even determine some of your success in business and life. Below are just 3 of the business laws to consider for success…

Law #1: The Law of Purpose
The purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer.
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Dealing With Jet Lag

Each year I fly all over the world to speak and conduct seminars. I fly east to Britain, Europe and Russia, often crossing eight, nine and even thirteen time zones from San Diego to my destination. I fly west to Australia, South East Asia and India, often crossing as many as twelve time zones before returning to San Diego. But I never have jet lag. The Facts About Jet Lag Medical researchers have studied jet lag for many years. They have concluded that because of the long distances traveled in pressurized aircraft, combined with the complete time change that the body goes through on long trips, the human system becomes disoriented and inefficient. Without taking the proper steps, it requires approximately one day to recover from each… Read more

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