Systematize Your Business Activities
Your business will be successful, generating steady, predictable sales and cash flow, to the exact degree to which you develop systems that put as much of your business on autopilot as possible.
A system is a step-by-step process, from beginning to end, that you use to ensure consistency and dependable performance in every area.
Every new business or business activity requires tremendous time, effort, expense, and even “genius” to learn and develop for the first time. But once the system has been developed for the first time, through trial and error, it can eventually be systematized to the point where the business activities can be carried out by ordinary people.
Until a business activity is systematized, it exists largely in the mind of the individual who knows how to do it. As a result, it cannot be dup0licated or replicated. If the person who knows how to do the job is not there, the business can eventually grind to a halt.
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1. Lead Generation
You need a proven system of marketing and advertising, and promotion that generates a steady stream of qualified leads, whether phoning your people of business, responding on the Internet, or personally coming into your store to buy your product or service. Without this continuous and predictable stream of leads, your sales and revenues will dry up and your cash flow will slow to a trickle, threatening the survival of your business.
2. Lead Conversion
You need a proven sales system to convert interested prospects into buying customers. This system begins with a sales script that every customer service representative and salesperson uses from the first contact with the prospect through to the completed sale.
The use of a preplanned sales script can triple your sales almost overnight. By using a sales script, each person who answers the phone, calls on a customer, or greets a customer walking in the door knows exactly what to say from the first greeting through to the final purchase.
Your sales system will be developed as the result of trial and error. As you evaluate your sales process, you will find that there are things that you do and say that are effective and others that are not. Over time you will smooth out the rough spots in your sales process, machining and polishing the words and actions so that you turn interested prospects into buying customers over and over again.
3. Production of the Product or Service
You need a proven system, from the beginning to end, for producing the product or service that you have sold to the customer. This proven system will ensure consistency of quality, ease of operation, efficiency of activity, and continually lower costs of production and delivery.
4. Delivery System
You need a step-by-step system to fulfill orders and deliver the product or service to the customer in a timely fashion. This system enables you to get your product or service to the customer quickly and efficiently with minimum delays and with a high level of quality
5. Service Systems
you need written policies and procedures for follow-up service to each of your customers, including established ways to handle customer needs and complaints, to generate additional sales, to keep in regular customer contact, to elicit referrals and recommendations from satisfied customers to new customers, and to alert your customers of new products and services that they may be interested in buying.
6. Accounting Systems
You need smoothly functioning accounting systems that track every penny of revenue and expense coming into or moving out of business. Fortunately, there are computer programs for small and large businesses that you can use to keep track of all financial flows in your business so you will always know your proper financial status.
7. Hiring, Training, and Personnel Systems
You need written systems that clearly describe each job and how it is to be done. In addition, you need systems for training, development, and personnel relations. each person who works for you must know exactly what he or she is expected to do and to what standard of quality. Your employees must understand the terms and conditions of their jobs, what is deemed unsatisfactory performance, and what are grounds for termination. They must know exactly what they are entitled to in terms of medical insurance, sick pay, vacation days, and other key elements of the work experience.
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About Brian Tracy — Brian is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian's goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. You can follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Linkedin and Youtube.