Why Negative Thoughts are Your Greatest Enemies to Success
I still remember the moment when I realized how to get rid of negative thoughts…
I was twenty-one, I was broke and living in a small one-room apartment in the middle of a very cold winter working on a construction job during the day.
In the evening I usually couldn’t afford to go out of my apartment so I had a lot of time to think…
One night as I sat at my small kitchen table, I had a flash of awareness that changed my life.
I suddenly realized negative thoughts were destroying my success.
I saw clearly at that moment that if anything in my life were going to change, it would have to begin with me.
If I didn’t change, nothing else would change, I was responsible and I needed to make it happen.
I still remember that moment…
It was like a first parachute jump—both scary and exhilarating.
There I was, standing of the edge of life. And I decided to jump. From that moment onward, I accepted that I was in charge of my life.
I knew that if I wanted my situation to be different, I would have to be different, everything, including my success in life, was up to me.
Negative Thoughts Are Enemies to Your Success
The greatest enemies to your success in life are negative thoughts of all kinds.
They hold you down, tire you out, and take away all your joy in life.
From the beginning of time, they have done more harm to individuals and societies than all the plagues of history.
One of your most important goals, if you want to be truly happy, is to free yourself from negative thinking.
Refuse to Rationalize
Rationalization causes automatic negative thoughts.
When you rationalize, you attempt to give a, “Socially acceptable explanation for an otherwise socially unacceptable act.”
You rationalize to explain away or put a favorable light on something that you have done that you feel bad or unhappy about.
You cast yourself in the roles of the victim, and you mark the other person or organization into the oppressor or the “bad guy.”
Rise Above the Opinions of Others
Over-concern or a hypersensitivity about the way other people treat you causes negative thoughts.
For some people, their entire self image is determined by the way other people speak to them, talk to them or about them, or even look at them.
They have little sense of personal value or self-worth apart from the opinions of others. If those opinions of others are negative for any reason, real or imagined, the “victim” immediately experiences, anger, embarrassment, shame, self pity, and despair.
How to Stop Negative Thoughts
The antidote of negative thoughts of all kinds is for you to accept complete responsibility for your situation.
You cannot say the words, “I am responsible!” and still feel angry.
The very act of accepting responsibility short-circuits and cancels out any negative thoughts you may be experiencing.
Resolve to avoid negative thoughts. This is your moment to decide not to let self-doubt control your life.
Now that you’ve decided to take control, find out your level of self-confidence and tap into your true potential.
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About Brian Tracy — Brian is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian's goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. You can follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Linkedin and Youtube.