21 Great Ways to Live to be 100
How to lose weight, have more energy, feel terrific, and live better in every way.
70 Minutes of Audio
$24.95 $21.95 (save 12%)
Or Order By Phone
858-436-7300 Monday through Friday 9AM to 5PM PST.
"Live Longer, Lose Weight And Feel Terrific"
In the 21st century people are living well into their 80's and are still active and sharp. Living to see your grandchildren, or even great grandchildren, is now possible if you train yourself to treat your body right.
"21 Great Ways to Live to Be 100" is an easy to understand, realistic guide that will teach you how to:
- Achieve and maintain your proper weight
- Develop a personal health plan
- Sleep better and increase your energy levels
- Feel more positive, happier, more confident
- Improve your health in every area
It's never too late to take ACTION and live a healthier lifestyle-I can teach you how!
Conditioning your mind and body to run like a well-oiled machine isn't as hard as you think. This program will show you how you can achieve the results you're looking for.
Better Health Gives You Better Results!
When living a healthy lifestyle becomes second nature, you find that you are really enjoying what life has to offer. You'll have more energy to connect with your family and your mind will be clear and running at peak performance levels!
It's Worked for Me!
I've spent decades studying and implementing these tools and
strategies to live a healthy and happy lifestyle. And because I do I'm able to maintain amazing energy levels to speak and travel all over the world 200 days out of the year! I make the most out of everyday, and you can too!
Here's to your success,
— Brian Tracy
Buy 21 Great Ways to Live to be 100 Now
70 Minutes of Audio
$24.95 $21.95 (save 12%)
Or Order By Phone
858-436-7300 Monday through Friday 9AM to 5PM PST.
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** All customer reviews are provided by users of this site who are not affiliated with briantracy.com.
The views expressed in any messages posted by a user do not necessarily reflect those of briantracy.com.
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Customer Reviews
Living longer

The program does not mention much than we are already read about this topic - health check-up from time to time, eat health foods, drinks plenty of water, do physical exercises, and so on, and on. However, it is Worth Reading due the the undeniable Brian Tracy`s power of communication and persuasive approach that really shows us that live longer is also something we can learn and handle.
By Sergio Rodrigues "VP of a State Owner Financial Institution" (Brasilia, Brazil)
Best Health Program on the Market!!

This audio tape has it all when it comes to taking complete control of your health. He ought to write a book on health alone, he seems to have a good handle on the subject.
Great tools

These are great tools for anyone to implement. Many things you know, but have forgotten as well as other first-time useful tips.
By (San Diego)
See all 3 reviews...
Testimonials Disclaimer
** All customer reviews are provided by users of this site who are not affiliated with briantracy.com.
The views expressed in any messages posted by a user do not necessarily reflect those of briantracy.com.
Some testimonials may claim above-average results, but BrianTracy.com does not promise that you will
experience similar results.