How to Write a Book and Become a Published Author Training Program
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26 customer reviews
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An amazing guy and program
By David F. D’Orazi (Los Angeles, Ca.)
Brian is a phenomenal motivataional writer and speaker .
I saw him many years ago in person with zig ziglar.
This was the shortcut I needed
By Eric Field "Retired " (Chicago, Illinois)
My book was already 80% written when I stumbled upon this seminar, almost by accident and literally at the last minute. I had five minutes to register. The timing could not be more perfect. That Brian would agree to read my book and submit a letter of recommendation to a publisher sealed the deal for me. I have been reading Brian's work since the late 1980's. I have attended several of his seminars. This was meant to be.
Great Way to Get Clear About Writing a Book
By John P. Mason (Toronto, ON. Canada)
I've just started this program and have already benefited by identifying the book's key points and audience. I still have lots more work to do (than 10 lessons), so my "Recommended" rating is provisional. I find the on-line videos are extremely informative and appropriate-sized in content and time commitment. I appreciate how the lessons are delivered in sequence as a way to stay on track without the temptation to cherry-pick specific lessons that come later in the program. Excellent follow-up customer service from the Brian Tracy International team
This program made the difference
By Evan Palmer (San Rafael, CA)
A year ago, I decided that in order to help more people and establish greater credibility, I needed to write a book. I put pen to paper and was able to log a great deal of information that I believed my clients and prospective clients would find valuable. However, I soon realized I had no idea how to pull this whole thing together. Having been a Brian Tracy fan for about 30 years, when I saw that Brian was offering “How to Write a Book and Become a Published Author,” I jumped at the chance. This course guided me through the process and answered all the questions I didn’t even know to ask. Now that my first book is complete, I can look back and honestly say that if it weren’t for Brian’s coaching and roadmap forward, this project would have been marginal at best, or abandoned at worst. Brain, YOU made the difference!
---- Evan Palmer, San Rafael, CA
What writer's block?
From the initial quick read to my in-depth step-by-step study, this program has been a major asset.
Move out of a nine to five job by telling your Personal story to help others!
By Derrell Frick (Columbia,South Carolina)
Outstanding help from Brian Tracy giving me the Resources and Confidence to tell my Personal Story by writing my own Book!
A Blueprint For Writing Your Story
By Yolanda Holmes "Retired yet Self-Employed; Mother of three and proud grandmother of eight rambunctious grand kids." (Scottsdale, AZ USA)
For ten years I've known that I must write my story, yet I did not know how or where to begin. A couple of months ago I signed up for Brian Tracy's course on, How to Write a Book and Become a Published Author. Finally, I have a Blueprint on how to proceed from beginning to end. But not just a blueprint; along with the material there are accountability videos by our mentor, Brian Tracy himself, encouraging me to press and reminding me that I can accomplish this goal, if I set my hear,t and mind and make the time to write, write, write, following the guidelines. All of a sudden the path to the top of the mountain is visible and if I stay on the path I will see my book, not only published, but on the NY Best Seller List.
So much more than I could have hoped for!
By "CEO - Sugar Tree Cleaning Company" (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
I love this course, I am still in the process of researching, but I have learned so much more than I expected from this course, going to use it again and again!
Becoming a published author
By (Wilmington, DE)
Brian brings excellence to all his books! This program has really made a huge difference in organizing and writing my book, along with great support!
Fantastic program
By "Finance, IT, and Accounting Professional" (Canada)
The step by step method to consolidate one's ideas to evolve a book in short time by Brian Tracy is quite amazing. Brian provides an easy-to-write method for putting together one's ideas into books. Just amazing!!!
This course is simply brilliant and if you follow the advice YOU WILL become a published author!
By Craig Collinson (Great Britain)
If you are serious about turning talk into action then this is the course for you.
After years of talking about writing a book and getting absolutely nowhere, I decided to sign up for this course. The amazing tips and techniques Brian shared were the difference that made the difference for me.
My first book was published in April 2017 and I am currently working on my next.
Thank you Brian – I am forever grateful.
Craig Collinson, Great Britain
Author: Improve Your Life! 21 Strategies That Will Make The Difference
Thank you Brian Tracy!
By Nora Sapi (England London)
I am very grateful for this programme, it really matters when you know everything about your project, goal and have a very special teacher like Brian Tracy.
I admire his success and gift how he help to improve people's lifes and Im honored to learn from him. He shows you exactly what, when and how to do in this course and the best thing, he also tells you what dont do and beware of.
He is the perfect example for success and the best who we can learn from!
Thank you very much for everything!
Nora Sapi
All you need to know
By Darnell Clarke "Career Development Expert" (Atlanta, GA)
This is a "How-To" book, it gives you actual content for writing and publishing your book. Worth every penny!!!
By Nancy J. Yale (CT USA)
I joined Brian Tracy with his offer to teach people how to write a book step by step.
I've tried many, many others and not even one comes close to his--HIS IS THE BEST!!! IT IS EXCEPTIONAL WITH EASY TO UNDERSTAND INSTRUCTIONS!!!
Brian teaches us in plain and precise steps that we need to take in order to write a book and if you follow those steps, your book can be written in as little as 90 days and become a Best Seller!!!
For anyone on the fence about joining, don't be, it will be the best decision you've made in your life--his information is very valuable and helpful.
Thank you so very much Brian for everything, I know I would have never made it this far so fast and with the perfect tools you showed all of us who have joined!!!
Born to be a Book Author
By Carmen Gross "Life-Style Coach (Health, Beauty, Rejuvenation)" (Stuttgart, Germany)
Brian Tracy has a clear attitude in representing the process, which comes close to my own. So I will work very well through this step by step programme and write my first book. I am not in a hurry - but I will go through and write. Thank you for bringing me back on my track, writing eloquently in ease, joy and abundance for the good of my readers.
How to Write a Book and Become a Published Author Virtual Training Course
By Winnie Kamuya "CEO of International Renaissance Centre and Mom of three sons." (Nairobi, Kenya)
I have learnt so much in a short span of time. I have to rethink about the book am writing. I am using the knowledge from this program to write my book.
How to Write a Book
By Schekinah Masudi "CEO of Life Coaching International (L.C.I.)" (Kinshasa, Dem. Rep. of Congo)
Great stuff, the kit; the mentioned book especially! It has propelled my writing skill; just like a fire shooting me forward as it provides a lot of tips on how to achieve the goal of writing a book. Though, however, some of the things taught can't yet be applied in the environment I'm living in. See, in Africa, especially, in french speaking countries, and most especially, my country, Dem. Rep. of Congo, reading is still a culture to develop and therefore, there are not much publishing houses with whom you can make a good deal for publishing your books. Still, we're working hard towards changing the game thanks to your product! Thank you Brian; you must have heard a lots of compliments and nice words for the work you do but I'd just like to say this one, "Thank you!" I have gone through most of your materials; I take this opportunity as my way to say thank you, to say that my organization Once again, thank you Brian; live long to see and enjoy the fruits of your selfless labors!
Amazed by the content and structure
By "Small Business Owner" (Sweden)
I've, like many others I guess, had the thought of writing a book. The challenge was that I did not know how to really write a book. Taking the course "How to Write a Book and Become a Published Author" was absolutely what I needed! Brian Tracy shares so much valuable insights and important key points that helped me understand how to organize and structure my book. If you are serious about writing a book, I highly recommend you to take this training program.
Not Perfect For Me
By Wendy Tyson (St. Augustine, Florida, USA)
I enjoyed and learned a lot from the four sessions. I am actually writing a memoir, so this course is not specifically directed to a would-be author such as I. However, it was a very helpful course regarding planning and book and becoming disciplined enough to go through with it. Thank you!
By (Los Angeles, CA USA)
So far this is the best product you can purchase if you are serious about writing. By following Brian's system, I wrote 3 organized chapters in one week. Thanks Brian for this product.
Just what I needed to get going!
By Dave Roessler "Future Author/Speaker" (Midland, TX)
This is so timely and just what I needed to get going. Mr. Tracy has a systematic approached that is sure to help me and others.Thank You!
By Bret Gregory "This course proves that anyone can do it." (San Diego, CA)
Hi my name is Bret Gregory from San Diego, CA and I took Brian Tracy's How to Write a Book and Become a Published Author Training Course because I am passionate about helping enlightened entrepreneurs attract their tribe on facebook and turn their page in to income so they can spend their doing what they really love; helping others.
Now, I’ve been wanting to write a book for over a decade but I’ve always been afraid to start. I never thought of myself as a great writer and didn’t know where I’d actually find the time. I’ve been big fan of Brian Tracy for over 20 years now and have read and listened to dozens of his books and when I heard that he had an audio training course on how to write a book I immediately bought it and started listening. This training course was so valuable to me and showed me the exact steps to putting my passion onto paper, and was extremely easy to follow.
I've completed my manuscript in ONE DAY and am working with a ghostwriter and editor and next month I’m self-publishing my first book “Facebook marketing Zen” on Amazon. The whole process was WAY easier than I had imagined and I would absolutely recommend Brian’s course to anyone who has ever wanted to write a book and share their message. This course proves that anyone can do it.
Very Thorough, Step-by-Step Course
By Sean Castorina
This course was very complete. It was also laid out in a very simple way that was easy to follow. More than anything, I do not believe I would be able to write a book without taking the class.
Golden Advice!
By Eric Amidi - Self-improvement Coach and Creator of Winn
Truly a FANTASTIC course! So far I applied only a few advices from the course and they have already paid back the price tenfold!
I hit #1 on the New York Times Best Seller list!
By Chalene Johnson
Brian, after taking your writing and publishing training course in 2010, I wrote my first book and just learned that my 2nd book is projected to hit #1 on the New York Times Best Seller list on the August 20th, 2012! I'm getting booked for Kelly Live, the View, The Talk, plus more! If that doesn't validate what you teach 1st time authors, than I don't know what does!
I Highly Recommend This Course!
By Eric Amidi, Self improvement Coach and Creator of Winne
Truly a Fantastic Course! So far applied only a few advices from the course and they have already paid back the price tenfold!