Rapid Learning Made Simple
How to learn and remember faster and easier than ever before.
74 Minutes of Audio
$24.95 $19.95 (save 20%)
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858-436-7300 Monday through Friday 9AM to 5PM PST.
Learn and Remember Faster and EasierThan Ever Before
Unlock the Genius inside
All of us are potential geniuses. The average person only uses 2 to 10 percent of their brain power on a daily basis-which means we barely scratch the surface of what we're actually capable of achieving!
Don't you want to be the smartest, sharpest, most intelligent person you can possibly be?
Being able to learn quickly and effectively is a skill, one that must be practiced and cultivated often.
Listen to Rapid Learning Made Simple today to learn about proven and tested methods to boost your brain power!
The ability to THINK clearly, logically and quickly will INCREASE your earning potential!
I always say that the highest paid position in the world today is the ability to think. The more you know about your business and industry, the more apt you are to make the right decisions and choices. Use your mind to get ahead of the competition!
Most entrepreneurs are clinically diagnosed with dyslexia or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Yet they are still able to out-perform the average person because they've transformed their brains into high powered machines. After listening to this program, you'll be able to do it too!
RAPID LEARNING MADE SIMPLE will teach you how to:
- Maximize your brain power and increase your IQ by 25 points
- Eat the food that will feed your brain for Peak Performance
- Read 1,000 words per minute and remember it all
- Take advantage of your downtime and make learning fun and easy
- Capitalize on your natural strengths and experience incredible results
These techniques REALLY work!
Most of you know my story: I didn't graduate high school, and didn't go to college until I was in my 30's. But, because of the unbelievably effective techniques in this program, I have owned and transformed countless companies, written more than 40 books and speak four languages. It is within ALL of us to experience incredible heights of intellect-all we have to do is learn how to do it the right way and practice every day.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
To show you how serious I am about this program jumpstarting your IQ, I'm guaranteeing this CD for 12 full months -- Absolutely RISK FREE.
I know these powerful learning and memorization techniques will help you. If for any reason you feel that this program didn't deliver, return it for a full product refund. No questions asked!
Buy Rapid Learning Made Simple to remember faster and easier than ever before!
To your success,
—Brian Tracy
Buy Rapid Learning Made Simple Now
74 Minutes of Audio
$24.95 $19.95 (save 20%)
Or Order By Phone
858-436-7300 Monday through Friday 9AM to 5PM PST.
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Customer Reviews
It changed my speed of reading !!!
I'm endlessly thankful to you, Brian Tracy , for this amazing CD I recently got from you!!It's changed my reading speed, and so my life! I read now about 5 times faster than before! I can accomplish so much more ! Before I would read one book a month or even more ,now it takes 5-7 days, thanks to advices I got from your program . I just forced myself to follow everything you said and in a couple of days it become so naturally and so much more enjoyable that I became unstoppable in reading and keep ordering and ordering books! I set a goal to read 50 books a year just like you do!! Thank you very much for keeping doing amazing researches for us , so we all can have an easier and better quality life!!
By "Always positive, always developing herself single mom of one angel :) " (Houston, TX)
Rapid Learning Made Simple: A Review
If you are looking for a mental “edge” to understand and complete things quicker, or if you have considered learning a foreign language or improving your memory, and if you would like to learn a new approach to problem solving...then get this DVD!
Face facts. We live in a world that requires us to learn more and more in less and less time. New skills are needed to evolve in our ever-changing environment, and as the DVD points out, learning new skills is the one thing in the 21st century that will never become obsolete.
Mr. Tracy begins by stating something that seems obvious, but is often overlooked: when comparing successful people and unsuccessful people, the difference comes down to successful people having more knowledge and skills. Small facts and things add up to big successes.
He then goes on to bring back memories of how boring school lessons were, and how most of us (I'm guilty) couldn’t wait to get out of formal education. Yet he drives the point home that learning can be fun if it is done correctly.
He then makes a key distinction between talent and ability. All of us are born with talent, but it takes hard work to turn that talent into ability...and this applies to learning. It is a process; once you get the process down, you can then do it over and over again. You just need to learn how.
Mr. Tracy then makes an accurate analogy. The more you learn, the more that you are capable of learning. He compares this to muscle. The stronger and larger your muscles become, the more you can lift, and the stronger and bigger you become. It is exactly the same with learning.
Recent research validates this idea. Previously, the number of brain cells we were born with was considered fixed, and as we aged, learning was thought to be far more difficult. However, there is a concept called Brain Plasticity that has proven that our brains are capable of growing, adapting and learning new skills, regardless of age.
As Mr. Tracy says, age is not a barrier. Our brain cells can regenerate if we take up “pumping mental iron” by stressing our thinking ability. There is another cliche that he destroys: we only use 10% of our brain capacity. In reality, Brian feels that most folks use about a meager 2%! Pathetic, but we can all do better.
He then goes on to define intelligence in a few different ways: a way of acting, the ability to improve things, and the ability to solve problems effectively, which will in and of itself raise your IQ. Next up is a fascination list of the several types of intelligence:
Verbal intelligence. This is about vocabulary, and being good with words.
Mathematical intelligence. Obviously, this concerns numbers. This type of intelligence is great in the worlds of business and finance. Surprisingly, these two types of intelligence are what IQ tests are based on. This means that standard IQ tests are very limited in scope.
Musical intelligence
Athletic or kinesthetic intelligence. The keys here are agility and coordination
Interpersonal (social) intelligence. Here, we are concerned about getting along with others. This is the highest paid type of intelligence, due to the ability to communicate and persuade, as well as being sensitive to others. Many top salesmen and politicians have high interpersonal intelligence.
Intra-personal intelligence. This is the ability to known yourself and trust yourself...skills that are far less common that most people realize.
Artistic intelligence. Performers, painters, writers...those who create stuff for others.
Visual/Spatial intelligence. This refers to the ability to see special relationships between objects.
Entrepreneur intelligence. The ability to see opportunities when most people can't. Brian reminds us that 80% of self-made millionaires are entrepreneurs.
Abstract intelligence. This is the ability to see relationships between different things
Mr. Tracy then instructs us to grade ourselves on a scale of 1-10, and see what areas we are drawn to. My take on this was to never be too quick to judge someone. There are so many dimensions to intelligence, and another person may be strong in any one of them.
Next, Brian lists the requirements for rapid learning. We must posses an intense desire to learn a particular subject (this is a gigantic problem in school). Also, what we are trying to learn must be relevant and applicable, and it must be taught by an expert, preferably someone who has successful experience in what he/she is teaching. Finally, don't forget that it must be fun!
To learn effectively, Mr. Tracy emphasizes that we must be in a proper learning frame of mind: rested, relaxed and well-fed. Nutrition is such an important part of the equation, and he gives some great ideas on what to eat, what to avoid, and what supplements can be helpful. This is important because, as he reminds us, the brain consumes 20% of all calories in the body. This is why
By Thomas Padgett "Professional Copywriter, Eclectic Fitness Trainer" (Akron, Ohio)
A must for people who realize the only way to Succeed today is to always be learning more!
This CD is outstanding! It should be mandatory for kids and adults alike. It is well written and Brian always communicates clearly and effectively. Thank you Brian for once again making the world a better place.
By Chris J. (Wash D.C.)
A life-changing experience
Listening to Brian Tracy is a life-changing experience. No hype, just lots of practical, straightforward advice, some of which is so simple it's profound. Sometimes angels come disguised as friends; and sometimes they share their wisdom with us via tapes and CDs.
By Tim Field "Author, Publisher and Webmaster of Bully OnLine"
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** All customer reviews are provided by users of this site who are not affiliated with briantracy.com.
The views expressed in any messages posted by a user do not necessarily reflect those of briantracy.com.
Some testimonials may claim above-average results, but BrianTracy.com does not promise that you will
experience similar results.