Successful Selling DVD Series
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4 customer reviews
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It really does work
By Rick Draper (San Francisco, Ca)
I've been in sales for almost 5 years now. And I can tell you the number 1 thing that improved my results was this program. Getting this program and applying the principals was THE game changer for me. I went from just getting by, to getting everything I want.
I recommend this program to all my sales guys.
It really did change my life. And I owe it all to you Brian.
Rick Draper
I am living proof
By Frank G. (Scottsdale, AZ)
The single most important work on selling ever created! Without a doubt the principles and techniques will maximize your income, relationships and life.
I decided a long ago to become an a sales person and accidentally came upon this program as my first course in that development. Little did I know that I could have stopped there! Although, I have benefited greatly from many other of Brian Tracy's works on success and achievement. By applying the principles in this program, I literally tripled my income in one year. I went from 60K to over 200K selling the same services to the same customers and I have been able to maintain that success over many years.
I tell anyone who wants to be successful in sales to incorporate the principals found in this program into their lives and watch the success happen, literally overnight.
Thank you Brian.
Successful Selling DVD Series
By Tony "Sales rep for Verizon Fios ( 20/20 companies)" (Fort Wayne, IN)
I have not been in sales very long, however after I watched this entire series, I instantly witnessed an increase in my sales. I only work part time, and yet I still gained a 35%-45% increase in my generated revenue on a weekly basis.
I would recommend this series to any individual or any office that is striving to become better. This series will help you improve by leaps and bounds.
Listen to it over and over
By Tim Stafford (Newport Beach, CA USA)
I watch this series over and over. I have been the number one sales person in my office for 2 years straight. A lot of information in this series is common sense but Brian has a great way of phrasing information. I've watch this series so many times that I've lost track. When I am with a prospect or a customer, I find myself saying exactly what Brian would say and it works. Keep up the great work.