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The Law of Attraction - In Action

The Law of Attraction - In Action

Activate the law of attraction in every area of your life!

The Law of Attraction - In Action

72 Minutes of Audio
$24.95  $19.95  (save 20%)


Or Order By Phone
858-436-7300 Monday through Friday 9AM to 5PM PST.

Bring Wealth, Happiness, Prosperity, Joy and Love into your Life Over and Over Again!

The Law of Attraction is one of the oldest "Universal Laws" known to man, and when used the right way, it's incredibly powerful.

Through books and movies like "The Secret," it has become a huge part of popular culture...but do you know how to use it to your greatest advantage?

Keep reading and I'll tell you...

When I was younger, I asked myself "Why are some people more successful than others?"

I spent the next 20 years searching for the answer to that question. I studied philosophy, metaphysics, religion, spiritual development, psychology and success principals...

When I finally understood the Law of Attraction things started to fall into place.

I started to meet the right people at the right time...My goals became easier and easier to achieve...And my entire outlook on life changed.

I realized that once I mastered the Law of Attraction, I could learn how to:

  • Determine exactly what I wanted to attract
  • Flood my mind with positive thoughts
  • Achieve abundance in every area of my life
  • Get rid of fears and doubts that would stop the law from working
  • Become calm, confident and optimistic
The Law of Attraction - In Action Add to Cart

Activate the Law of Attraction in every area of your life!

Ever since I came to this realization, I've been sharing my discoveries with people all over the globe. And for the past 25 years I've been showing people the mental Laws of Success and the little-known details of the Law of Attraction to more than 5 million people in 47 countries!

In this life-changing teleseminar, you'll discover the real secrets of using your mind to take direct control of your life in a positive way.

Also in this 1-hour program I'll give you...

  • 6 Proven Ways to activate the Law of Attraction in your life
  • The Top 4 Actions to speed up the Law's lasting results

After listening you will have gained the insights and action ideas you need to achieve greater health, wealth, prosperity and success than ever before.

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

When you are able to capitalize on your own thoughts, the world will truly become your oyster. Imagine how amazing life will be when you can think and dream about how you want your future to be...and then make it happen!

With this program you can do it. And in just 1-hour, I'll show you how!

Buy this program and find out how easy it is to put the laws of attraction to work for you.

And on top of all that...Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed!

Order the The Law of Attraction - In Action Today!

The Law of Attraction - In Action Add to Cart

To your success,


—Brian Tracy

Buy The Law of Attraction - In Action Now


72 Minutes of Audio
$24.95  $19.95  (save 20%)


Or Order By Phone
858-436-7300 Monday through Friday 9AM to 5PM PST.

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* The results of using this product will vary depending on your circumstances, time commitments, and overall application of this program - Based on these factors it is possible that the use of this product will generate little or no results for you. The use of this product does not guarantee financial improvement, business improvement, or personal improvement. Anything that you apply from the materials you learn, is done at your own risk.

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** All customer reviews are provided by users of this site who are not affiliated with The views expressed in any messages posted by a user do not necessarily reflect those of Some testimonials may claim above-average results, but does not promise that you will experience similar results.

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Customer Reviews

5 out of 5 stars

Following the law of attraction and magic things happen if you believe it.

Don't waste any time - order NOW!!!
5 out of 5 stars

This audio program was worth every penny. I would’ve paid double. It has numerous areas that had me at the edge of my seat. The best law of attraction audio on the market. Your life will never be the same. Thanks Mr. Tracy.

Zaltman learning machine
5 out of 5 stars

Great programs learned stuff NOT contained in other tapes on the subject matter

An exceptional CD!
5 out of 5 stars

Great information about the Law of Attraction in an easy to listen to format! I highly recommend it.

See all 7 reviews...

Testimonials Disclaimer
** All customer reviews are provided by users of this site who are not affiliated with The views expressed in any messages posted by a user do not necessarily reflect those of Some testimonials may claim above-average results, but does not promise that you will experience similar results.

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