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The Miracle of Self Discipline Package

The Miracle of Self Discipline Package

How to get what you want and live a better life through self discipline, will power, and self motivation

The Miracle of Self Discipline Package
Training Kit

Digital Training Kit
11 MP3s, 1 Digital Workbook, 1 Q&A Recording, 1 PDF Report
$283.75  $177.00  (save 38%)


Or Order By Phone
858-436-7300 Monday through Friday 9AM to 5PM PST.

Discover the Secret Ingredient Missing In Most Success Formulas

Stop Making Excuses and Start Taking Action NOW to Get Everything You Want in Life… Guaranteed

Dear success-minded friend,

Are you tired of the broken dreams, the heartache of defeat, the constant cycle of highs and lows, the missed opportunities?

In my many speaking engagements around the world, I often begin my presentation with a simple question, and I want you to consider that question for a moment:

I ask my audience: "Who would like to double their income?"

As you might guess, most of them smile and raise their hands. Are you raising your hand? (Probably not literally, but would you like to double your income?)

Then I ask, "Who would like to lose weight? Get out of debt? Achieve financial independence?"

The answer is YOU!

You want to make more money, spend quality time with your family, be fit and achieve financial independence.

Not only do you all want the same things, but you know what it takes to achieve them. And someday you intend to do them. Someday you'll get your finances together…

Some day you'll make more money… Some day you'll spend more time with your family… Some day you'll achieve your goals and realize your dreams…some day!

Is this sounding familiar?

You're living on Some day Isle my friend. And what's worse is that 80% of the population is living there with you (and it's starting to get a little crowded).

This is Survivor meets Real World. If you don't vote yourself off of 'Someday Isle,' you're doomed to spend the rest of your life there—because someday never comes.

So how do you turn “Some day” into “Right Now”?

Great news: I have developed a system for just that — for putting an end to procrastination so you can begin to LIVE the life you've always imagined. .

I'm about to share that system with you — but first …

I'd like to share a very personal story, so you know where I'm coming from.

You see, I started off as a young man, thinking the world owed me a living.

I certainly didn't come from money. In fact, it was rarely even discussed at home because there was none.

As a result of my limited thinking, I slaved away at hard labor jobs in construction and factory work for years before I finally got it.

The adventure begins.

In my teens I pretty much went whichever way the wind blew. I had no direction and no clue about what I was going to do with my life. I would try whatever came along.

One day I sat down with two of my closest friends and decided we would embark on the adventure of a lifetime.

Our hastily thrown together plan was to travel across the Atlantic Ocean to England. From there we would set off across Europe. Our end destination being the dark continent… Africa.

But not just any place in Africa; oh no, we would cross the dangerous and unforgiving Sahara desert. Now this may sound crazy to you, but in our dreamy teenage minds we were determined to carry it out.

Well as you might expect, it didn't take long for our plans to unravel. What sounded like a simple fun-filled adventure soon turned in to a battle of wits as we tried our best to survive in a harsh environment we were ill equipped to deal with.

More than once, our big dream seemed like an endless nightmare of setbacks and detours.

What is the real secret to being successful?

Yet in spite of the hardships and eminent danger we faced, we learned valuable lessons. I personally learned there was much more to my success than I could ever have imagined.


Although I didn't realize it at the time; I was learning what would become the greatest success-building discovery of my life.

As I struggled each day to survive the perils of the desert, I discovered the greatest secret to success you can imagine.

The missing ingredient in my life…

Possibly the elusive success ingredient in your life too.

It wasn't just having a plan. It was more than just setting goals. It wasn't stamina. It went beyond faith.

But there's one missing ingredient without which your greatest aspirations will fail every time. One magic element without which your success recipe can never materialize.

It was something I had overlooked before. But once I added it to the mix, I knew failure was not an option.

I'm talking about the magic of Self-Discipline.

Without self-discipline your success recipe will fall apart faster than my second hand tires did on the rock strewn Sahara desert roads.

This simple, yet shocking revelation changed my life forever.

And now I'm offering you the opportunity to use it to change yours, too.

From that moment on, I determined to discipline myself to succeed.

Did it work every time? Of course not. But as I quickly discovered, no one bats a thousand every time they step up to the plate.

What differentiates the winners from the losers is having…

The Discipline To Do What You Know You Must Do To Achieve Your Goals

It's not your fault you haven't yet mastered self-discipline.

Although there are thousands of programs out there designed to help people with achievement, success, self-discovery and reaching their potential, none focus exclusively on self-discipline, and the ones that touch on it don't go into the depth and detail necessary for mastering it completely.

You'll be surprised at how easy it is once you get started. And it soon becomes a “happy addiction.”

When you develop the powerful habits of self-discipline, you will accomplish more in a month than most people accomplish in a year.

Introducing, "The Miracle of Self Discipline" Package

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Brian is such a wonderful man, he's not just a motivational speaker and an author, but with a touch of ingenuity. His books are absolutely practical. Brian is indeed a great mind. His books are great products of long years of experience.

Folajimi Ayodele

In my powerful, 8 CD program & Big Bonus Workbook You'll quickly learn how to:

  • Take complete control of your time and your life… Take back your life
  • Discipline yourself to get going and keep going… No matter what
  • Overcome procrastination five different ways… Stop stalling and start doing
  • Focus on your most valuable activities… Make yourself do your most important tasks immediately
  • Master your appetites in all areas… Follow your true self
  • Practice delayed gratification for greater success… Hang in there you will get what you want soon enough
  • Improve your self-esteem and self-image… This is key to your real happiness
  • Develop courage and persistence in every area of your life… Become a person who gets what you want
  • Release your "mental brakes" and unlock your true potential… Relax and enjoy the ride
  • Concentrate single-mindedly on your key goals… Vanquish your time sucking vampires
  • Control and master your behaviors in every area… Be in control when every one else is losing their minds
  • Become more confident and self-reliant… Smooth out your path to success

And much, much more.

I always knew that self-discipline was what I lacked but it was a catch 22 because I also lacked the self-discipline to learn self discipline. My wife helped bring this to my attention when she put The Miracle of Self-Discipline in the CD player in my car. We talked about all of my incomplete projects around the house and joked that this was more of a gift for her than it was for me… But wow. Just a few weeks later, we are both just blown away by my ability to focus, prioritize and follow-through on every task, in all aspects of my life.

My only disappointment is that I couldn't get this program ten years ago. I highly recommend this to all of my fellow procrastinators.

Jeff Soto (Chico, California)

Here's a taste of what you learn in "The Miracle of Self-Discipline" Package

  • The fatal fallacy… revealed why you're just as good as anyone else
  • Learn my simple definition of happiness… why negative emotions can stifle your dreams.
  • Discover the real cure to negative emotions… how accepting responsibility can quickly neutralize negativity.
  • Revealed, the Law Substitution… the art of replacing negativity with positive, happy thoughts. No woo-woo stuff here, just the facts
  • Learn the real antidote to anger… how to be happy and stress-free.
  • Exposed to 3% factor… this is so simple, yet 97% of people miss it
  • Discover the homing pigeon principle… you don't need to know how to get there. You just have to start
  • The 7-step method of achieving your goals… accomplish 10 times more than you ever thought possible.
  • Try the 10 goal exercise… stop worrying about "how" and discover your "why"
  • Release the awesome powers of "Mind Storming"… dramatically increase your likelihood of success when you unleash this powerful creative thinking technique. It never fails
  • How the Law of Cause and Effect can make or break you… this is so simple yet always overlooked. You'll kick yourself for not realizing it before.
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In addition, when you order “The Miracle of Self-Discipline,” you're also going to get these AMAZING bonuses:

  1. 1 Hour Q/A

    A Recording of a LIVE, 1-Hour Q&A-Hot Seat Group Coaching Call with Yours Truly ($97 Value). Listen as Brian answers the most popular, burning questions on the subject of self-discipline from a one-time LIVE event.

  2. Change Your Thinking Change Your Life

    My “Change Your Thinking Change Your Life” 1-hr CD ($24.95 value), which explains how you can achieve anything you want, simply by changing the way you think. You'll develop unshakeable self-confidence, increase your income, take control of your life, improve your relationships and enjoy higher levels of health and fitness.

  3. Motivating Yourself To Peak Performance

    My “Motivating Yourself to Peak Performance” 76-minute CD ($24.95 value), which will show you how to live your life at a high level of energy, focus and clarity so you can experience success in every single area of your life. When you have a positive attitude and are able to perform at your best, there is no limit to what you can accomplish.

  4. Double Your Productivity

    My “Double Your Productivity/Double Your Time Off” 1-hr CD ($24.95 value), which reveals the science behind achieving goals and breezing through your daily tasks at a new rate of productivity — one that gives you confidence as you achieve your goals feeling happier and more relaxed.

  5. Miracle of Self-Discipline

    My “Miracle of Self-Discipline” 9-page Special Report, which reveals the 9 key disciplines you can develop that will improve every area of your life. You'll learn the importance of listening to your intuition (and how to do it), setting goals and managing your time daily, dealing with your fears, maintaining excellent health, saving money, continuous learning, and persistence — and how all of these apply to your daily life — so you can get started right away improving your self-discipline.

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Your techniques on personal discipline have really got me on track. I have always lacked discipline and I somehow thought by avoiding my responsibilities and my goals I was avoiding work — now I know that I was actually creating more work for myself.

Since I have created new habits of self discipline I find that my life is easier and better than ever.

Danny T. (Miami, FL)

If you are like most people, you've had enough BS in your life. Remember, I've been there myself.

Remember the broken dreams, the heartache of defeat, the constant cycle of highs and lows, the missed opportunities we talked about at the beginning of this letter?…Let's stop the insanity now.

Lack of self-discipline can freeze you with fear. Like a deer caught in the headlights, you can't decide which way to run.

But here's the thing…

You're not alone. Thousands of people have been right where you are now. The only difference is they made a conscious decision to take back control of their lives. And their financial futures.

These same people discovered the secret of self-discipline and propelled themselves to successful futures for them and their families.

They learned to stop making excuses and they replaced their indecision with Action.

Don't you deserve to have a life full of opportunity?

Wouldn't you love the power to follow through on your biggest goals?

Obviously if what you've been doing till now hasn't got you where you want to be, or if you've always felt deep down inside you deserve better…then won't you allow me to help you now?

Let's work together to make...the rest of your life the best of your life!

And of course, "The Miracle of Self-Discipline Package" is covered by my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Buy the package, and put to use all the techniques and strategies I share. If, within 30 days of your purchase, you’re not completely satisfied, return the products for a full product refund – no questions asked.

This is absolutely what I needed! Discipline was the missing key I was looking for. I feel unstoppable now and I'm quickly hitting my goal of making over $150,000 this year.

I just had to get the discipline needed to succeed. Thanks Brian!

Will Benning (Houston, Texas)

Here's a quick recap of what you get:

  • CD #1 The Real Secret of success… Discover the secret ingredient to complete the success recipe
  • CD #2 Self Discipline and Responsibility… Without this your wave of success will be smashed on the rocks of inertia
  • CD #3 Self Discipline and Personal Excellence… How to apply the law of Cause and Effect to your life. Consider this your secret success weapon
  • CD #4 Self Discipline and Business and Financial Success… Discover the secret to jumping in to the top 10% in your field. Learn how money really works
  • CD #5 Self Discipline and Sales… Once you get this important concept you will instantly possess the secret to untold riches
  • CD #6 Self Discipline and Happiness… Here's where the rubber meets the road. All the success in the world is worthless if you're not happy. And your happiness is paramount to your success
  • CD #7 Self Discipline and Your Children… If you are a parent this life-changing principle can make the difference between a life of hopeless desperation or happy success for your kids
  • CD #8 Self Discipline and the Job Search… Think your job is secure? Think again. You will discover the real secret to real job security no matter what field you're in. Consider this a bonus

Plus, You Get my Big Bonus Workbook and These Amazing Bonuses:

  • A Recording of a Live Q&A-Hot Seat Coaching Call With Yours Truly, Brian Tracy
  • Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life CD
  • Motivating Yourself to Peak Performance CD
  • Double Your Productivity/Double Your Time Off CD
  • Miracle of Self-Discipline PDF Report

And you will learn self-discipline faster and easier than you ever thought possible because I lay it all out in a simple, straight forward way so you won't miss a thing.

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Will you take the next step in the evolution of your successful life? It's really up to you.

I look forward to your future success. And I know you'll enjoy my Miracle of Self Discipline program as much as I enjoyed creating it for you.

To your success,


Brian Tracy

My Black and White 100% Iron-Clad Satisfaction Guarantee!

Take your time to enjoy your products and put the proven strategies to work for you in your life and business.

If for any reason or no reason at all you are not completely satisfied with your product, just return it within 30 days and you'll receive a full 100% product refund.

That's a full month to put us to the test, use the information, put it to work, and make your dreams come true—all the risk is on us!

No weasel clauses or hidden meanings here. If you're not happy then neither are we. My friendly staff will cheerfully return your money and we'll still be friends. That's it.

Buy The Miracle of Self Discipline Package Now

Training Kit

Digital Training Kit
11 MP3s, 1 Digital Workbook, 1 Q&A Recording, 1 PDF Report
$283.75  $177.00  (save 38%)


Or Order By Phone
858-436-7300 Monday through Friday 9AM to 5PM PST.

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Results Disclaimer

* The results of using this product will vary depending on your circumstances, time commitments, and overall application of this program - Based on these factors it is possible that the use of this product will generate little or no results for you. The use of this product does not guarantee financial improvement, business improvement, or personal improvement. Anything that you apply from the materials you learn, is done at your own risk.

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** All customer reviews are provided by users of this site who are not affiliated with The views expressed in any messages posted by a user do not necessarily reflect those of Some testimonials may claim above-average results, but does not promise that you will experience similar results.

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Customer Reviews

Everyone with a sense of purpose and goals should acquire the Miracle of Self Discipline program.
5 out of 5 stars

I'm starting disc 4, that is almost mid of the program. The ideas inside this program MOSD really impress me. Its a must have program for someone that wants to accomplish something in life. It provides all tools needed to somebody strugglin to reach goals. From Brasil, thanks a lot...elson

Great Motivation for Everyone
5 out of 5 stars

After reading many of Brian’s books and implementing a lot of this information into my life it’s nice to have a source for a great refresher. All of the material is organized in such a way that it is easy to consume and implement. I will continue to use them as refreshers as I drive or have time to spare.

Brian Tracy delivers again
5 out of 5 stars

If you haven't listened to or read anything from Brian Tracy you need to get started right now. The miracle of self discipline is a program that will undoubtedly improve your ability to become successful at anything you wish to achieve. Seriously, if you haven't made a purchase yet you need to.

Launching My Career
5 out of 5 stars

Brian Tracy,

I want to personally thank you for the "hard work" you've done and spreading this miracle.

I currently work in Information Technology in the United States Army. I always thought I was a hard worker but listening to "The Miracle of Self-Discipline" while commuting has helped me work even harder.

My hard work has been noticed and I've been hand picked by my section's director (about 3 supervisors above me) to attend a Networking Exercise put on by the United States Army Cyber Command. This will allow me to network with many other professionals in my field, increase my experience and knowledge, and ultimately make my future transition from the military to the Information Technology field as a civilian that much easier.

I've studied and become CompTIA Security+ certified and in the last two weeks I've started and completed multiple projects that benefit my organization that others found "too tedious" or that will "create more work for the future."

I just put my head down, ignored their criticisms, and completed these rewarding projects, putting me in the spotlight and in position in a better position for advancement and further company-funded schooling.

I'll continue to listen to your product probably throughout my lifetime.

Again I can't thank you enough.

Carter, Kirk
5th Signal Command
Regional Cyber Center - Europe
Watch NCO, TCOIC (Theater Cyber Operations & Integration Center)

See all 16 reviews...

Testimonials Disclaimer
** All customer reviews are provided by users of this site who are not affiliated with The views expressed in any messages posted by a user do not necessarily reflect those of Some testimonials may claim above-average results, but does not promise that you will experience similar results.

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