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The Psychology of Selling

The Psychology of Selling

The Art of Closing the Sale - the Ultimate Sales Training Guide

The Psychology of Selling

6 MP3s - 7 Hours of Audio
$75.95  $50.00  (save 34%)


Or Order By Phone
858-436-7300 Monday through Friday 9AM to 5PM PST.

Double Your Sales, Increase Your Earnings, and Develop a Powerful Sales Personality

Traditionally, salespeople have one of the toughest jobs in the world - and it's tougher today than it ever has been.

Most people don't like talking to salespeople. We've gotten a bad rap. When you add the recent economic downturn to the mix, you've got a recipe for sales disaster.

It's no wonder you're not thrilled about the idea of making your next sales call or attending your next meeting.

Now, you may be thinking, "I'm not even a salesperson. What does this have to do with me?"

Good question. You may not realize it, but everything you do involves selling. No matter what your job or profession, to get what you want in life you have to sell - whether it's an idea, a product or a service, or even yourself.

In many cases, you probably feel like the odds are stacked against you - and you're right.

But I'm about to show you my proven system for turning the odds in your favor - so you can THRIVE as a salesperson, no matter what the economy is doing.

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"This was the very first program I ever bought, and it did wonders to my sales. Not only did it increase my number of sales, but it added 30% to my income!"

-Henry Stanson

Introducing "The Psychology of Selling," which outlines precisely what you need to do to break through the barriers keeping you from making more money, so you can sell faster and easier - period.

You don't have to work harder; in fact, the system I teach you is surprisingly simple to implement, and provides you with powerful results.

Everything you do becomes more efficient and more effective, your closing rate goes through the roof, and your bank account grows - and all the while, you're having fun!

When you master "The Psychology of Selling," you:

  • Get what you want, faster than you ever thought possible
  • Easily rally the people around you to help you reach your goals
  • Become absolutely indispensable to your company and climb the ladder, fast
  • Dramatically increase your income
  • Gain control over every aspect of your life
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When you order "The Psychology of Selling," you learn:

  • How to win your inner sales game—when your game is on, you can't lose
  • The 3 essential qualities of all great salespeople—develop these to be a winner
  • Why you are always self-employed no matter who you work for—you must understand this to succeed
  • 3 Selling Secrets vital to your success—don't leave home without them
  • How to use Maslow's Hierarchy to win big-time—it's simple yet hardly anyone uses it
  • Why people really buy—no, it's not because they can't live without your product or service
  • Discover your prospects deepest buying emotions—listen and they will tell you
  • How to become their favorite DJ on their favorite radio station WIIFM—do this and they will line up to buy from you
  • The Flowering Cherry Tree Secret to making more sales—this is so effective you'll slap yourself for not using it before
  • Discover the Secret of the Corning Safety-Glass technique—this is responsible for quadrupling sales
  • How to start with a great opening—miss this and you'll kill your chances of success
  • Why you should never, ever send info through the mail—it's not what you think
  • Learn simple, effective closing techniques used by only the best salespeople—this alone is worth more than your investment in the program
  • How to unfold your prospect's buying resistance—you must do this if you want to close more sales
  • The 5 most common types of prospects—knowing this will make your job so much easier
  • How to enter your client's comfort zone—do this or you'll sink and drown
  • How to confront your deepest fears about selling—hey, we're all scared before we make our presentations - now you'll see how silly this is
  • Discover the character types that make selling easy—only sell to people who want to buy
  • How to separate selling fantasy from reality—eliminate the B.S. beliefs many salespeople live by—they will choke the life out of your sales career
  • The Porcupine close—use this to get to the real objection—it's a beauty

So, are you ready to get started?

Order your copy now!

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Buy The Psychology of Selling Now


6 MP3s - 7 Hours of Audio
$75.95  $50.00  (save 34%)


Or Order By Phone
858-436-7300 Monday through Friday 9AM to 5PM PST.

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* The results of using this product will vary depending on your circumstances, time commitments, and overall application of this program - Based on these factors it is possible that the use of this product will generate little or no results for you. The use of this product does not guarantee financial improvement, business improvement, or personal improvement. Anything that you apply from the materials you learn, is done at your own risk.

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** All customer reviews are provided by users of this site who are not affiliated with The views expressed in any messages posted by a user do not necessarily reflect those of Some testimonials may claim above-average results, but does not promise that you will experience similar results.

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Customer Reviews

Overcoming the Fear of Selling
5 out of 5 stars

It is an excellent Programme, well design and thought through programme. Need to keep up with the momentum to listen to the audio many times.

Succeeded my expactations
5 out of 5 stars

That the product - as all the others by Brian Tracy - will be worth every cent was without question. Yet I got much more surprised. You do not only learn about the psychology that lies behind the customers or your own behavour and arguments, but you get the answers as well that will help you to close your sale! Amazing! I highly recommend this set.

Good Product
5 out of 5 stars

The product Psychology of selling is very useful in redirecting the focus of sales people in a more purposeful way.

5 out of 5 stars

I have learned so much over this short course and everything i learn can be put into action as soon as you hear it!

See all 40 reviews...

Testimonials Disclaimer
** All customer reviews are provided by users of this site who are not affiliated with The views expressed in any messages posted by a user do not necessarily reflect those of Some testimonials may claim above-average results, but does not promise that you will experience similar results.

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