1. #1 Back to Basics For Business

    In this session, you will learn how to: Increase your cash flow and profitability; think and act strategically in your business; ask the right questions; develop the right answers; move out of your comfort zone; determine what business you are really in; identify your ideal customer; determine what your ideal customer needs from you to be satisfied; maximize your competitive advantage; decide upon your most important personal and business goals; determine the constraints on your current business; identify your limiting factors to business growth and profitability; decide upon the 20% of your activities that can account for 80% of your results; practice the "Law of Three" to double your performance and productivity; take action immediately.

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  2. #2 Zero Based Thinking

    In this session, you will learn how to: Determine exactly where you are today; identify your short-term and long-term goals; decide upon the exact steps you will need to take starting today; develop the quality of flexibility; change your business in four different ways; conduct a KWINK analysis in every area; identify those things in your business that, knowing what you now know, you wouldn’t start up again today; improve your decision-making ability; develop the courage to make the necessary changes; analyze every person in your business; identify products that need to be discontinued; evaluate every part of your business in terms of the current situation; cut your losses wherever necessary; practice “Creative Abandonment” in every part of your business.

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  3. #3 Marketing & Business Strategy

    In this session, you will learn how to: More effectively market your product or services; sell circles around your competitors; clarify the difference between marketing and selling; apply the four key principles of marketing strategy; focus on your specific area of specialization; differentiate yourself from your competitors; develop your area of superiority; define your Unique Selling Proposition; segment your market into ideal customer groups; clarify the demographics of your ideal customer; identify the psychographics of your target market; concentrate single-mindedly on your best customer opportunities; apply the 80-20 Rule to every part of your business; increase your sales rapidly and predictably.

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  4. #4 Focus on the Customer

    In this session, you will learn how to: Use customer service to achieve lasting competitive advantage; differentiate yourself from your competitors; instill an "Obsession with Customer Service" in everyone; build and maintain intense customer loyalty; achieve higher levels of customer satisfaction; focus on repeat business and frequent resales; practice the three ways to increase sales in any market; determine the exact expectations of your customers and meet them; exceed customer expectations at every opportunity; delight your customers with creative service policies; amaze your customers using your creativity; ask and answer "The Ultimate Question" that determines business success; practice the "Strategy of Preeminence" by becoming the only supplier in your market through superb customer service.

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  5. #5 Profit From The Core

    In this session, you will learn how to: Focus and concentrate your limited resources; work in those areas where superior results are possible; determine the most important things you can do in every area; identify your core products or services today; identify your core competencies; clarify your core customers of today and tomorrow; focus on your core marketing methods; improve your core selling methods; identify the core people in your business; identify your core strengths; maximize your most valuable asset; identify the major threats to your business today; determine your very best opportunities for the future.

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  6. #6 The 7 P's of the Marketing Mix

    In this session, you will learn how to: Sell your products and services more efficiently and effectively; increase your cash flow and profitability; analyze your business in seven critical areas; define your product or service in terms of what it "does" for your customer; evaluate your pricing structure and identify ways to improve it and improve sales; promote your products and services more effectively and at lower costs; practice Continuous and Never-Ending Improvement; identify different ways and places to sell your products or services; improve your packaging and the appearance of your products to your customers; position yourself in the market as the most attractive choice; improve the quality, warmth and friendliness of every customer contact; concentrate on the "moments of truth" with your customers that determine your success.

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  7. #7 Superior Selling Strategies

    In this session, you will learn how to: Create the best salespeople in your industry; overcome the new realities of selling; focus on the improvement that your products or services achieve in the life or work of your customers; prospect and find likely customers more effectively; establish higher levels of rapport and trust with prospects; use questioning to identify customer needs accurately; practice the four principles of effectively listening; make more persuasive sales presentations; identify and answer the key objections that hold prospects back; close the sale more effectively; get regular resales and referrals; sell more, better, faster and more efficiently in any market.

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    Yes Brian… give me more wealth building secrets!